Bulk Import Recipes

We can help you move your recipes into Saffron from a variety of places.


  1. Follow these instructions to export your recipes from Pepperplate: pepperplate.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039223771-Exporting-Recipe-Data

  2. Email the file to ben@mysaffronapp.com and I'll add them to your Saffron account.


  1. Follow these instructions to export your recipes to Paprika Recipe Format from Paprika: www.paprikaapp.com/help/windows/#exportrecipes

  2. Email the file to ben@mysaffronapp.com and I'll add them to your Saffron account.


Have recipes in another program or standard format? Send me an email at ben@mysaffronapp.com and I can help move them into Saffron.