The home for all your recipes
Save your favorite recipes in one place. Import just the recipe from any website without the distractions or clutter. Create meal plans, and generate grocery lists—Saffron’s everything a cook needs.
cooking app recipe view
olive oil
Make recipes your own
With Saffron’s recipe editor, you can easily edit recipes, save adjustments to ingredients, and add additional steps or tips to your preparation.
All in one place
Storing your recipes in Saffron allows you to quickly search, find, and select what you want to cook.
Cook from your favorite device
Saffron stores your recipes in the Cloud so you can access them on any device through our website or Android/iOS app.

Add Recipes

Import from websites or enter them using our side-by-side recipe form.

Organize Recipes

Arrange into cookbooks with sections.

Find Recipes

Search your collection by title, ingredient, and/or author.

Plan Meals

Schedule what you’re cooking and when you’re cooking it.

The plan for you

Budding Cook

up to 25 recipes
You can access your recipes anytime, anywhere, and on any number of devices.

Home Cook

with an annual subscription
up to 1000 recipes
The same Saffron experience, but with more room for your extensive recipe collection.

Food Blogger

Get the tools and customization you need to create digital cookbooks for your followers.
Want to move your recipes over from another application? Checkout how to bulk import.